Social Media Abstinence the Journal #4
April 7, 2022
This challenge is hanging over my head like a black cloud, or is that my mood? When not keeping up with this challenge is one of my biggest problems, I guess everything is fine.
April 8, 2022
Over 30 days are gone already, guys the 4th month of the new year is running. There is no point to try and beat the time it will beat us all. Still, I want to make the most out of it. 30 days is a good number and half of the challenge is done. I will start being seriously tomorrow or on Monday…..
April 10, 2022
Time to get serious again, I am deleting Reddit from my phone. Turning on the Add-on Leech-Block on Firefox. I want to stop watching the news also, it just makes me sick every day, nothing I can change by being miserable. Monday is always a new start for everything. On the quest to get my focus back. Let’s go guys.
April 11, 2022
I did everything yesterday to prepare myself for the abstinence from social media. Also, no news today, I have seen enough the last weeks. Today was just great, I could easily stay away with the help of technology. I read in an article from, Sam Holstein or Megan Holstein? She put her iPhone on gray colors because a black and white screen is not that appealing for the brain. As simple as it sounds, it really works for me. I don’t take my phone near my bed too, I mean this is not my girlfriend. That’s it, folks keep on keeping on.