Preperations for a journey.
After almost one year of sobriety and no travelling, we decided to treat ourselves with a nice trip. My girlfriend got the possibility to work remotely for two month and she took that chance to book a flight.
She came into the room and asked if I want to go to Curacao for one month, she found some cheap flights for it. I didn’t thought much about it, of course I wanted to. I really missed travelling during covid times.
We booked the flights and an Airbnb. The dates for the flights and the accomodation were set. Unfortunatly we underestimaed one little thing, COVID is still around everywhere.
Naivly we thought an antigen-test would be enough. How wrong we were, you need a full PCR-Test that you have to pay yourself, and you need to time it very well, because it hast to be 48h young. There was a lot of paper work to be done to enter the country.
On top of all that the biggest storm in 30 years decided to visit Hamburg during the days we had to fly.
One day before our flight we got an email in which we were warned not to go to Shiphol Netherlands where the departure of our plane to Curacao was. Because of the stormy weather conditions a lot of flights were cancelled. But there was no way I payed 80€ for a PCR-Test withouth trying to get on that plane.
We packed our bags crossed our fingers and got on the flight from Hamburg to Netherlands. This flight was one hour late, and I got a bit nervous about the connection flight to Curacao. Fortunately it was flying despite the weather conditions.
As soon as I was in this plane I made a big fistpump, switched on a series to binge-watch, looking forward to some new experiences and adventrues.
The next days I will gather some expressions and make my little report here.