Beer Got me Again.
Good moaning folks, I had a really close situation for drinking beer again.
It was a nice and sunny Sunday. I was driving with a friend of mine to his shop to do some craft. Because it was Sunday we needed to avoid the loud machines. We agreed to work with just hand-tools.
It was really relaxing, he was doing his project and I was doing mine. After some hours we had both finished a small project. We decided to call it a day, drive home and enjoy the rest of the Sunday.
While exiting the shop I noticed a beer crate by the door. It was full of “Heineken” . My friend noticed that I was looking at the green bottles.
He asked : “ What about a beer” ? and continued “You could really stop with this abstinence nonsense”. I wasn’t sure if he was joking or not. He knows that I had some problems with the booze. I guess it was meant like a joke.
Maybe it is hard to understand for people, who never had a problem with alcohol, what a single beer can do ?
But I was triggered for sure. The day was perfect, we finished some work. At the end of the day its just “one beer” right ?
My mind came up with justifications to have a little drink in a fast pace.
“You abstained for so long”
“Its just one beer”
“It is the perfect spot to relax with a drink “
The feeling was very strong guys, it was an inner battle. I almost let down my guard and took the bottle.
All of the horrible aspects were forgiven.
Loosing thousands of Euros ?
Injuring myself ?
Loosing self respect ?
No no, that never happened ! It was just a little innocent bottle promising some fun and relaxation. After letting the negative aspects of alcohol float through my mind, I was able to say “No”.
I choose the healthy life , I choose the wealthy life, because that is the best. That is what I deserve.
More of my stories:
- How I Quit Alcohol / The Point I Decided To Quit (My first story)
- 6 Month Of Sobriety
- I Will Never Drink Again
- Replacing Alcohol