Do You Miss the Hangover?
Once again, I got my “sometimes” lazy ass from the couch watching the US- Open to write a story. That alone is worth a 1000 claps in my opinion.
After the short introduction, here is my trick for you:
As strange as it may sound, but in the beginning months of my sobriety, I missed the hangover.
Not exactly the “Loosing phone, loosing face, loosing friends part.” The part that I missed was the uninterrupted chill time that I took for myself. Phone on airplane mode, binge-watch Netflix, and eat the worst of the worst food. “Yum yum noodles with melted cheese, for example”
That was a nice relaxation mode. But when you get sober, you are awake, your eyes are wide open like a weasel ready to flight. You can always do something, be productive, go out, learn you can do everything at anytime. That is a great thing, actually. But sometimes I just want to shut off my head and watch reality TV.
Enough with the storytelling, here comes the trick: The day before I want to simulate my hangover:
I work out as hard as I can.
By doing this, I know my body will be sore the next day. That makes it easy for me to just have a nice relaxing day, like in the “good old times”. The difference is it is a positive hangover.
Thanks for reading, everybody. How do you simulate your hangovers?
I will be back when I find the motivation to write, or the little glimmer that is left for writing starts to shine.
More of my stories: