Fathers Day in Germany
Every year, there is Father’s Day here in Germany. It is also a religious day, “Ascension of Christ”.
There is a tradition on this date to take some guys, a handcart and a lot of alcohol. Then you wander around and get wasted. This is a noble activity in which I loved to participate.
This year I had the pleasure to experience this day sober. A little relative of mine had his confirmation on this day. In some families, this is a special occasion, and we went there to celebrate.
Everything went fine, the small children swore their words to the mighty lord and after the procession we went to the host to enjoy ourselves and have some food.
While we were talking about solar power, all of a sudden the mobile of one father rang. It was his 13-year-old daughter. This is what she said.
“Papa, papa, there were some man here, and they shouted over the street. Hey, you have a nice ass and show me your tits. We already called the police.”
In one moment, we got ready to drive there and pick her up. The man I drove with doesn’t drink alcohol himself because of traumatic experiences in his family in the childhood. Furthermore, he tells me that he is concerned about his wife drinking habits. She started to hide the bottles from him to play down the problem. He continues to tell me that he doesn’t know how to deal with that.
Here I am driving with a father who is affected by alcohol from the past and in the present, to pick up his daughter who just got harassed because of alcohol. I am thinking. Wow, that must be the alcohol hellhole. Just 5 minutes ago, everything seemed fine.
While we arrive at the place, the police is already there. The drunks are long gone, they were advised to go home immediately. The police asks the girls if they want to file charges. They look at each other and say:“ It is ok, they were just drunk”. The police has the same opinion. At this moment, I thought the same. These idiots were just drunk, let them sleep, it will be hard enough tomorrow.
But is this really an excuse to behave like that and get away with no consequences? In retrospect, I think they should have been fined in some way.
I came up with a fair fine for this behavior. After 5 hours of sleep, they should have been woken up with a megaphone or very loud music. After that, they should do some garden work for the parents, while the girls could call them victims and idiots. The girls should also been allowed to make comments about their faces and their bodies. That would have been fair and funny.
This day showed me, once again, how accepted alcohol and misbehavior on alcohol is in our society. There is no denying the booze is causing a lot of unnecessary problems.
More of my stories:
- How I Quit Alcohol / The Point I Decided To Quit (My first story)
- 6 Month Of Sobriety
- Beer Got Me Again
- I Will Never Drink Again
- Replacing Alcohol